How Can Clean Air Act Enforcement Effectively Mitigate Climate Change and Improve Environmental Justice Efforts?
The Biden Administration has strongly focused on mitigating climate change and improving air quality in overburdened communities. What role can enforcement of the Clean Air Act (CAA) play in meeting these twin goals? Mary Greene, the new Director of EPA’s powerful Air Enforcement Division, will speak to enforcement priorities, policies, and the role of enforcement in creating clear and enforceable EPA rules. Ms. Greene will be joined by panelists from the Department of Justice, the private sector, and a prominent CAA-focused NGO. Don’t miss the opportunity for this discussion of the future of air pollution enforcement. and how new priorities can impact climate change and environmental justice communities.
We are pleased to join D.C. Bar EENR Community and the American Bar Association SEER in co-sponsoring this discussion.
As a co-sponsoring organization, Washington Council of Lawyers members can register at the member rate. Please email Christina Jackson at cjackson@wclawyers.org for the registration code.