Supreme Court: View from the Press Gallery
Grab your lunch and join us (virtually!) on Thursday, July 7, from 12:00-1:30 pm ET for an insightful evaluation of the recently-concluded Supreme Court term with those who know it best – the press who cover the Court. The Court’s formal decisions have been on the front pages—Roe is overruled, almost anyone has a right to carry a handgun in public, football coaches can pray on the 50-yard line—but what happens behind the scenes? The Justices and their clerks won’t talk, but this panel of distinguished journalists who cover the Court will take a behind-the-headlines look at the Supreme Court this Term, including the search for the leaker, the Chief Justice’s loss of leadership, the change in how arguments are conducted, and the personalities and interactions among the Justices. Part news, part law, and part conjecture, this panel is sure to be intriguing!
Our invited panelists include:
- Robert Barnes (Washington Post)
- Mark Sherman (AP)
- Kimberly Atkins Stohr (Boston Globe)
- Amy Howe (Howe on the Court)
- Adam Liptak (New York Times)
- David Savage (Los Angeles Times)
The panel will be moderated by Art Spitzer, Senior Counsel, ACLU-DC.
Our conversation will take place from 12:00-1:30 pm ET with an opportunity for networking with attendees from 1:30-2:00 pm ET.
The cost of this program is just $15 for Washington Council of Lawyers members, $20 for public interest and government lawyers, and $25 for the general public & law firm attendees. (Join here to receive the discounted member price.)
You won’t want to miss this discussion of the Supreme Court term!
Finally, if you’d like your summer associates or interns to attend and need assistance registering them as a group, email Christina Jackson at cjackson@wclawyers.org.
Join and follow the conversation on Twitter using #SCOTUSpress!