Supreme Court: View From The Press Gallery (2023)
Waitlist Open
As the Supreme Court’s term ends, many organizations present panel discussions with lawyers and academics analyzing the major decisions from a jurisprudential perspective. This one is different. Our panel of distinguished journalists who have covered the Supreme Court for decades will take a behind-the-headlines look at the Court’s work, at the Justices themselves, at how the institution has changed over time, and at how journalists cover the Court.
Our panel includes:
- Robert Barnes (Washington Post)
- Joan Biskupic (CNN)
- Greg Stohr (Bloomberg News)
- Adam Liptak (New York Times)
- David Savage (Los Angeles Times)
- Ariane de Vogue (CNN)
The panel will be moderated by Art Spitzer, Senior Counsel, ACLU-DC.
The cost of this program is $26 for Washington Council of Lawyers Members, $35 for public-interest and government lawyers, and $40 for the general public & law firm attendees. (Join here to receive the discounted price.) Lunch is provided and the program offers open seating, so please arrive early!
We look forward to having you join us for lunch and a fascinating discussion of the recently-concluded Supreme Court term!
Finally, if you’d like your summer associates or interns to attend and need assistance registering them as a group, email Christina Jackson at cjackson@wclawyers.org.
Join and follow the conversation at #SCOTUSpress! If space does not open off the waitlist or you’d like to attend from outside DC, a Zoom link will be provided when you register.