DC Pro Bono Week Expungement Clinic
Please join us for an in-person limited scope expungement clinic to help low-income DC residents seal their criminal records on October 25th from 9am -12pm at Fried Frank.
Having a criminal record can negatively impact a person’s ability to gain employment, pursue education opportunities, and their overall mental health. Sealing eligible records can help people pursue a much needed fresh start. Volunteers will work with clients from Christian Legal Aid of DC (CLADC) to gather relevant background information to be included in their motions to seal. We will provide training the morning of the clinic and will have CLADC staff available to answer any questions throughout the day. We welcome lawyers, paralegals, and law students to join us. All business professionals will be paired with a licensed lawyer.
There is limited space available. We look forward to seeing you there!
Spread the word and join the conversation on social media using #DCPBW23.