Building Up In-House Pro Bono Partnerships and Opportunities
Hosted by the Pro Bono Institute
In-house pro bono continues to thrive and mature. Come learn how legal departments engage in pro bono, often in partnership with legal services organizations and law firms. You’ll hear perspectives from pro bono leaders at corporate legal departments, as well as pro bono leaders at law firms and legal services organizations that partner with legal departments.
The panel will be moderated by:
- Nihad Mansour, Assistant Director, Law Firm Project, Pro Bono Institute
- Alyssa Saunders, Director, Corporate Pro Bono, Pro Bono Institute
The panelists will include:
- Irfana Anwer, Managing Pro Bono Attorney, Ayuda
- Kelsey Bynum, Executive Administrative Coordinator, Pepco Holdings
- Lisa Dewey, Pro Bono Partner, DLA Piper LLP
- Autumn M. Hunter, Associate General Counsel & Managing Director, Bank of America
- Lisa B. Luftig, Assistant General Counsel, Exelon Business Service Company
- Jason Z. Qu, Sr. Managing Attorney for Nonprofit & Small Business Legal Assistance Programs, D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
Join the conversation at #DCPBW23!