Racial Justice Series Part 1: Racism By Design
Join us for the first of this year’s three-part Racial Justice Series examining institutional racism and how to advocate for real and lasting change for our clients. At our first event, our panel will examine both the history and the present reality of housing segregation and how federal, state, and local policies have affected and advanced systems of structural racial inequality in education, public health, voting, criminal justice, and more.
We’ll be joined by an expert panel, including:
- Reed Colfax, Partner at Relman Colfax (moderator)
- Genzie Bonadies Torres, Counsel for the Educational Opportunities Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
- Alicia Horton, Executive Director, Thrive DC
- Gregory Squires, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy and Public Administration, George Washington University
It is important that public interest and pro bono lawyers understand the historical backdrop in which they are practicing. Join us to examine both the history and the present reality of housing segregation and how these housing policies have affected and advanced systems of structural racial inequality. Armed with this information, we hope you will gain a better understanding for the breadth of systemic barriers that many in our client communities face.
In preparation for the event, we have prepared a sampling of resources that you can use to gain information about relevant topics and retain for further consideration after our event.
The Segregation Myth: Richard Rothstein Debunks an American Lie | NowThis
Redlined: A Legacy of Housing Discrimination
Reports, Research & Books
Systemic Inequality: Displacement, Exclusion, and Segregation
Racial Disparities in Home Appreciation
The Case for Fair Housing: 2017 Fair Housing Trends Report
Time for Justice: Tackling Race Inequalities in Health and Housing
Attacking the Black–White Opportunity Gap That Comes from Residential Segregation
Fight for Fair Housing Edited By Gregory Squires
Press and Opinion Pieces
Housing segregation is holding back the promise of Brown v. Board of Education
HUD’s disparate impact rule is a ‘get out of jail free’ card
Trump’s attempt to weaken fair housing rules is beyond tone-deaf
Housing Discrimination in the District of Columbia:
For Many Black Washingtonians, Homeownership Remains Out Of Reach
Discriminatory housing practices in the District: A Brief History
Gentrification in D.C. was not fated. Policy made it happen.
Racial Justice Series: Racism By Design: Where We Live, Why We Live There, and Why It Matters takes place on Tuesday, October 20, 6:30-8:00 pm ET via Zoom. The program costs $5 for Washington Council of Lawyers members and co-sponsoring organizations and $10 for nonmembers. Register here.