How-Tos for Developing a New Pro Bono Program
Looking to launch a new pro bono program or gain tips for improving your existing program?
Learn best practices for creating new programs and collaborating with other in-house, law firm, government, and legal services lawyers to build community and serve pro bono clients. There is more to it than advertising pro bono opportunities!
Join the Association for Corporate Counsel for the National Capital Region and the Washington Council of Lawyers for this program to hear from panelists with experience leading programs in their in-house legal departments. Presenters will provide practical advice on the decisions to be made and steps to take to build a strong foundation that will both encourage and support volunteers using their legal skills to help those unable to afford legal services.
The panel presentation will take place from 12-1 pm ET and be followed by an online pro bono fair from 1-2 pm ET, during which attendees will be able to select up to four break-out sessions featuring legal services organizations discussing volunteer opportunities. Registrants may attend either or both the program and fair.
Although the focus of this event is on in-house pro bono programs, all are welcome to attend! There is plenty to learn about how to effectively develop a strong pro bono program no matter what sector of the legal community you are in!