DC Pro Bono Week 2022: Pro Bono Goes Local
DC Pro Bono Week 2022 officially kicks off with Pro Bono Goes Local on Monday, October 24, from 9:30-10:30 am ET via Zoom.
This launch event will feature a panel of inspiring legal services attorneys who will provide valuable updates on community legal needs and identify specific ways pro bono attorneys can get involved. Then, we will hear from Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby from the D.C. Court of Appeals, and Chief Judge Josey-Herring from the Superior Court for the District of Columbia.
Don’t miss the chance to find out about the most pressing pro bono needs of the day. Our lightning round experts will give updates about these important pro bono practice areas: domestic violence, family law, immigration, consumer issues, public benefits, housing, and criminal record sealing. We’ll hear from:
- Faiza Majeed, Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia (Housing)
- Erin Scheick, Bread for the City (Domestic Violence)
- Tina Nelson, Legal Counsel for the Elderly (District Elders)
- Bradford Voegeli, Neighborhood Legal Services Program (Criminal Record Sealing)
- Crystal Fleming, Kids in Need of Defense (Immigration)
Join us for the kickoff of our week-long celebration of pro bono! We’ll share a wealth of information on the hot topics in pro bono and give you a chance to connect with great pro bono opportunities!
Pro Bono Goes Local is free to attend, but advance registration is required. Spread the word! Invite a friend! #DCPBW22