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Graphic: DC Bar Endorsements 2017

D.C. Bar Candidate Endorsements (2017)

By Susan Hoffman & Barbara Kagan

The D.C. Bar has over 100,000 members, and its leaders can influence the legal profession significantly. With this in mind, each year we endorse candidates for D.C. Bar leadership candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to pro bono service, the public-interest community, and access to justice.

This year, we hope that you’ll vote for the following candidates (listed alphabetically, and not in order of preference) between now and May 19th:

Esther H. Lim

Alva Y. Waller

A.J. S. Dhaliwal

Board of Governors (5 vacancies)
David W. Arrojo
Elizabeth R. Dewey
Sadina Montani
Helen Serassio
Benjamin F. Wilson

ABA House of Delegates (under 36 seat)
Carter Coker Simpson

ABA House of Delegates
D. Jean Veta

We base our endorsements on the candidates’ resumes and answers to a questionnaire, jointly prepared by our D.C. Bar Affairs Committee and the D.C Consortium of Legal Services Providers. For the office of President-elect, we also hold an in-person question-and-answer session with the candidates. If you have questions or would like to review the survey responses, please contact one of us. (Email Susieemail Barbara.)

If you’re an active member (in good standing) of the D.C. Bar as of April 15, you can vote online between now and May 19. D.C. Bar elections are often decided by fewer than 100 votes, so we hope that you’ll vote and encourage others to do so!

Susan Hoffman is the Public Service Partner at Crowell & Moring; Barbara Kagan is Public Service the Public Service Partner at Steptoe & Johnson. Susie and Barbara are co-chairs of our D.C. Bar Affairs Committee

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