DC Pro Bono Week 2021: Small Business Brief Advice Legal Clinic
Sponsored by the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
The Small Business Brief Advice Legal Clinic gives business and transactional attorneys the opportunity to donate their expertise to small businesses. The Small Business Brief Advice Legal Clinics allow current and aspiring small business owners to speak with an attorney about their legal problems or questions that affect their businesses. Small businesses serve as the cornerstone for economic development in disadvantaged areas, but many cannot afford legal fees for advice that may determine whether they sink or swim.
While only brief advice is given, entrepreneurs are able to engage in one-on-one consultations with an attorney. Matters that arise include business formation, real estate, employment, intellectual property and joint ventures, and partnership agreements.
One to two trainings are held each year for interested volunteers, but it is not required to volunteer. New volunteers often shadow veteran volunteers during their first few consultations. For the volunteer manual, click here.
Sign up to volunteer at the virtual clinic at the link below. If you have questions about volunteering, please email Christine Kulumani, Staff Attorney, at CKulumani@dcbar.org.
And join the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using#DCProBono21!