DC Pro Bono Week 2022: Doing Good & Doing Well: The Ethics of Low Bono Practice
Hosted by DC Refers
This presentation will address ethical implications associated with representing individuals of limited means at a reduced fee. Offering affordable legal representation to people of modest means helps to satisfy a tremendous unmet need in the District of Columbia and many other cities around the country. Topics to be addressed include (i) how the DC Rules of Professional Conduct recognize low bono representation as fulfilling public service obligations under Rule 6.1, (ii) using limited scope representations to serve the needs of low bono clients and lawyers alike, (iii) how applicable ethics authorities permit lawyers to work with non-profit organizations to find clients in need of representation at reduced rates and more.
Our speaker will be Charlie Lemley, DC Refers Board Chair, Adjunct Professor of Professional Responsibility at George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School, and Senior Counsel at Wiley LLP. Charlie has years of experience in professional liability and insurance coverage litigation, legal ethics, and issues related to legal diversity. He primarily represents insurance carriers and lawyers in insurance coverage and legal malpractice cases at the trial and appellate levels. He has written numerous articles and presentations on a variety of professional liability and legal ethics topics including third-party claims against lawyers. He recently served as Chair of the District of Columbia Bar’s working group on limited scope legal representation.
This program will be choc full of useful and practical information but is not approved for CLE or ethics credits in any jurisdiction. Come and learn! Then join the discussion on social media using #DCPBW22!