DC Pro Bono Week 2022: How to Find Pro Bono Work That Helps the Environment!
Hosted by D.C. Environment and Energy Associations (DCEEA)
Please join the Washington Council of Lawyers and members of the D.C. Environment and Energy Associations (DCEEA) for a pro bono week panel to discuss ways to get involved in environmental and climate change initiatives. With so much attention being given to climate change, you may be wondering how you can get involved in grass-roots and pro bono efforts. Our panel of experts will discuss ways to get involved in various aspects of pro bono work from litigation, to advocacy, to hands-on non-legal volunteer opportunities. Attendees will leave with tangible ideas and ways to get involved.
Our discussion will be led by:
- Abbey Doyno, Executive Director, Green Pro Bono
- William Halnon, Staff Attorney, Outreach & Engagement Coordinator, Chesapeake Legal Alliance
- Christine Appah, Adjunct Professor of Law, Environmental Justice, Cardozo School of Law
Ariel Solaski, Staff Litigation Attorney with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation will moderate the discussion.
Join the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using #DCPBW22!