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DC Pro Bono Week 2024: DC Superior Court Open House: Housing Conditions

  • When: 08 October 2024, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
  • Where: D.C. Superior Court, Moultrie Bldg. (500 Indiana Avenue, NW, 1st Floor)
  • Cost: Free, registration required

This event is cosponsored by the Superior Court Committee on Pro Bono & Affordable Counsel, Children’s Law Center, and DC Bar Pro Bono Center.

Join us for a D.C. Superior Court Open House where representatives from legal services organizations will introduce you to the Housing Conditions Court– one of the Court’s high-volume branches where pro bono representation is greatly needed to help tenants obtain needed repairs and remediation of housing code violations.

You’ll observe court proceedings, meet with judges, and learn how you can help tenants ensure safe housing for them and their families, and expand access to justice in our community.

The Housing Conditions Court — within the Court’s Civil Division — allows tenants to sue their landlords to obtain needed repairs and ensure that their landlords comply with the D.C. Housing Code. The calendar is intended to be a “problem-solving court” – limited by design and only available to tenants living in rental units who are seeking to enforce compliance with the housing code.

Are you ready to learn more? We look forward to welcoming you!

Please note this event involves a moderate amount of standing and walking. If attendees have accommodation needs or questions, please contact Jodi Feldman at

Spread the word and join the conversation on social media using #DCProBono24.

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