Meet Our Summer Intern, Miranda Hines
Hello! My name is Miranda Hines and I’m excited to intern for Washington Council of Lawyers this summer.
I’m from Akron, Ohio, and right now I’m an undergraduate at Washington University in St. Louis. I’m majoring in English Literature and Political Science (focusing on on comparative politics and theory). Outside the classroom I am a writer and current Design Chief for Washington University’s ISSUES Magazine, which covers social, political, and economic issues facing the urban community in the St. Louis area and seeks to broaden the student community’s awareness of the challenges facing those who live and work around us. I love studying political science and discussing it with others, this fall I’ll be serving as a Teaching Assistant for one of my school’s American politics classes.
Writing for ISSUES and living in St. Louis during the events in Ferguson intensified my interest in social justice. It became even clearer to me that our political and legal system inadequately serves the needs of marginalized and victimized communities. As a result, I was drawn to Washington Council of Lawyers and its dedication to promoting the welfare of underserved members of the community by encouraging pro bono and public-interest work.
Needless to say, I’m thrilled to be spending the summer with Washington Council of Lawyers. I’m considering a dual law degree and masters in public policy after graduation, and I hope to better understand how I can advance the organization’s mission of improving our communities. I also look forward to learning more about different areas of the legal profession, and working alongside an organization that is dedicated to ensuring that underserved members of our community get the legal support that they deserve.