Advice & Referral Clinics for Veterans
Hosted by the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
In celebration of Pro Bono Week, The Veterans Consortium (TVC) is partnering with local volunteers and DC area law students to hold two, one-day pop-up legal clinics to serve the needs of veterans. Two clinics will be held via a virtual platform and one clinic is in-person.
Advice & Referral Clinic for Women Veterans
Tuesday, October 24
10:00 am – 4:30 pm ET
Virtual Clinic
Legal Advice & Referral Clinic for All Veterans
Tuesday, October 24
10:00 am – 2:30 pm
Virtual Clinic
Friday, October 27
10:00 am – 2:30 pm ET
DC VA Medical Center (50 Irving St NW)
Lawyer volunteers – email Chesley Roberts at chesley.roberts@vetsprobono.org. Only female attorneys are allowed to volunteer for the women’s clinic.
Student volunteers sign up here – https://www5.apptoto.com/b/fridayvetsclinic/#form. There is only 1 student left for the Tuesday, October 24th clinic.
Spread the word on Twitter (X), Instagram, and Facebook using #DCPBW23!