2015 Pro Bono Week Recap: Medical-Legal Clinic
Advocates got an inside look into Children’s Law Center‘s medical-legal partnership with Unity Health Care on Oct. 29, as part of a DC Pro Bono Week site visit.
The partnership with Unity’s Minnesota Avenue Center is the sixth medical-legal partnership for Children’s Law Center and the first for Unity.
Many of the families who come to the Minnesota Avenue Center are on the brink of poverty. With the partnership, Children’s Law Center attorney Adrian Alvarez works in the clinic as a resource for children whose health problems can’t be solved by medicine alone.
“It’s empowering to have an expert in our clinic … it’s made a difference on a daily basis for the kids that come here and for the providers and we’re very grateful,” said Monique Duwell, Medical Director of the Minnesota Avenue Center.
“CLC is really committed to the community and it’s nice to be with like-minded people,” added Alvarez.
The tour group included Unity CEO Vincent Keane, CLC Executive Director Judith Sandalow, CLC Board Chair Ted Segal, other members of CLC’s Board, active pro bono attorneys in DC, and others.
The Minnesota Avenue Center is one of Unity’s third largest. Demand for care is high and the center offers weekday hours until 10 p.m. as well as weekend hours. About 5,000 patients a year are pediatric and the center employs two full-time social workers.