2024 Justice Impact Awards Law Firm: Jessica Hough
Jessica Hough, Skadden partner and global head of the firm’s regulatory practices, has long been a torchbearer for pro bono work. During her time at Skadden, she has worked on more than 80 pro bono matters. She devotes her time and energy to her own matters and supervising and mentoring other pro bono volunteers across the firm.
While pro bono legal work is often thought of as primarily a litigation endeavor, Jessica exemplifies the need for volunteers in a wider breadth of important areas, including corporate, tax, and transactional work. Jessica has worked on pro bono tax and corporate projects for numerous D.C.-based organizations, including most recently for Washington Monthly, Whitman-Walker Health, The Refugee Education and Development Project, Friends of the National Asian Pacific American Museum, Healing Justice, and 1863 Ventures.
Jessica has championed and facilitated pro bono in her various leadership roles at Skadden, participating in the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program with other Skadden tax attorneys. The initiative supports free tax preparation services for the underserved through various partner organizations, helping low-to-moderate-income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speakers file their tax returns. In addition, Jessica worked, alongside tax associates, at the DC Bar Advice and Referral Clinic on Saturdays in the local D.C. area. The clinic provides D.C. individuals who do not have a lawyer an opportunity to discuss civil legal problems with volunteer attorneys.
As if a busy tax practice and a full slate of pro bono work isn’t enough, Jessica has also played a key role in the ongoing development and success of the Skadden Fellowship Program, which will announce its 1,000th Fellow later this year. In her role as a member of the Fellowship Program’s advisory committee, she helps carefully review and select — from a highly competitive applicant pool — candidates who have made and will continue to make, an extraordinary impact in D.C. and beyond. The Foundation, and Jessica’s, support for 1,000-plus Fellows does not conclude after the two-year fellowship. Jessica serves on the Skadden Foundation’s Flom Incubator Grant committee, which provides innovation grants to former Fellows who are spearheading new and effective ways to meet the legal needs of low-income people.
Not only has Jessica personally helped individual clients and facilitated a multitude of volunteers from her firm in doing the same, she has provided the guidance and expertise legal services organizations and non-profits need to succeed. Through her advice, she has enabled organizations to navigate new challenges and meet new needs. Her practical and thought leadership has allowed organizations to expand their reach in responsible ways while continuing to serve their core constituencies effectively.
Jessica is a champion of pro bono work at Skadden, in the DC community, and beyond — leading by example and continually ensuring that pro bono is an integral part of the DC office’s culture. We are thrilled to recognize Jessica Hough as the 2024 Justice Impact Award Law Firm recipient for her unwavering dedication and as a shining example of the vital role volunteers need to play in non-litigation pro bono.
Help us celebrate Jessica at our Justice Impact Awards on December 5th and share your congratulations on social media using #JusticeImpactAwards24.