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Litigation Skills Series: Depositions

  • When: 24 September 2024, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
  • Where: Arnold & Porter (601 Massachusetts Ave)
  • Cost: $70 for members; $100 for nonmembers

Depositions can be useful tools in all kinds of cases. A deposition can be an effective and affordable tool for pro bono and public-interest lawyers and their clients.

The course will feature a mix of lecture and demonstration with plenty of time for Q&A. We will cover the basics of both taking and defending depositions. Here are some key learning objectives:

  • Understanding Deposition Procedures: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the rules, procedures, and legal standards governing depositions.
  • Effective Questioning Techniques: Learn how to craft and deliver strategic questions to gather valuable information and challenge the opposing party’s testimony.
  • Handling Witnesses: Develop skills to effectively handle different types of witnesses, including hostile or uncooperative ones.
  • Ethical Considerations: Understand the ethical obligations and responsibilities during the deposition process.
  • Deposition Strategy: Develop strategies for preparing clients and deponents, anticipating opposing counsel’s tactics, and using depositions to advance your case.

We’ll discuss such topics as how to frame effective questions, proper use of direct vs. leading questions, personal style, use of outlines, and deposition strategy.  And then we’ll turn to defending depositions and discuss how to prepare a witness (both on the facts of the case and on how to be an effective witness) and how to defend the actual deposition.  There will also be a demonstration on taking and defending a deposition in a housing case.

Bring your lunch, and join us in learning the basics of how to prepare yourself and your witness for a deposition, what techniques are most effective, and what traps to avoid.

The CLE credits for this training are pending.

Scholarships are available thanks to the generosity of the D.C. Bar Foundation. Please complete this form to apply for a scholarship.

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