Our 2016 D.C. Bar Endorsements
The D.C. Bar is one of the largest bar organizations in the country, and it sets the tone for lawyers in D.C. and elsewhere. With this in mind, each year we endorse candidates for D.C. Bar office who share our commitment to advancing pro bono, public-interest law, and access to justice more generally.
This year, we endorse the following candidates. (Lists of multiple candidates appear alphabetically, and not in order of preference).
H. Guy Collier
Adam M. Chud
Shuchi Batra
Board of Governors (five vacancies)
Jessica E. Adler
Theodore A. Howard
Annette K. Kwok
Richard J. Marks
Christopher P. Zubowicz
ABA House of Delegates (three vacancies)
John (Jack) C. Keeney, Jr.
Laura A. Possessky
Lucy L. Thomson
We base our endorsements on the candidates’ resumes and answers to a questionnaire, prepared by our D.C. Bar Affairs Committee. For the office of President, we also hold a question-and-answer session with the candidates. If you have questions or would like to review the survey responses, please contact Susan Hoffman or Barbara Kagan.
If you’re an active member (in good standing) of the D.C. as of April 15, you can vote online from April 25 until May 20.
Finally, if you are interested in meeting the candidates for yourself, we are co-sponsoring a Candidates Forum on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 pm at K&L Gates (1601 K Street, NW). The forum is free and light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by emailing info@LGTBbarDC.org.