DC Pro Bono Week 2018: Exploring New Horizons
By Megan Jeffery
DC Pro Bono Week is coming soon! DC Pro Bono Week 2018 will take place from October 21–27. We invite everyone to explore our annual celebration of pro bono service! There is something for everyone….. clinics, volunteering opportunities, a panel, a court tour, and a hackathon!
Are you interested in learning a new area of the law, networking, volunteering, or learning about under-served communities? If so, this is the place for you! Perhaps you wish to volunteer to help veterans, litigants in landlord/tenant court, or small businesses. Or maybe you just want to get more information about practice in DC Superior Court or a medical-legal partnership. If your interests lie in the intersection of tech and legal issues, Coding Justice might be for you. There are opportunities for all interests.
Time is a limited commodity for all of us. Some people say that they would love to serve the underrepresented, but don’t have the time. This could be your chance to do so! Pro bono service can be very rewarding. I am a volunteer with the DC Bar Pro Bono Center. My pro bono service has greatly broadened my horizons. I am learning new areas of the law, networking, and assisting people who are in dire need of representation, with fantastic mentors. It is indeed time well spent.
Why not come explore? Even a small amount of time can go a long way. Legal volunteer work today can have a tremendous impact on people’s lives for years to come. Hope to see you there! #dcprobono18
Megan Jeffery(@MeganJeffery14) is a volunteer lawyer with DC Bar Pro Bono Center