DC Pro Bono Week 2024 – Preparing Programming, Profiles & More!
Each year, we publish pro bono profiles (on our Pro Bono Publico Blog) in the weeks leading up to Pro Bono Week. We are hoping for 6-8 profiles.
Please submit a one-to-three sentence blurb by Tuesday, September 3 so we can ensure diversity of subject matter and featured organizations/projects. The blurb should include the individual, group, or organization you want to highlight and indicate the area of law their project or program covered. The deadline for submitting your profile is Friday, September 13, 2024. All profiles should be submitted to Chris Marin at cmarin@wclawyers.org.
Here are some more details:
We want to celebrate the breadth of pro bono by highlighting large, medium, and small law firm and solo pro bono volunteers, in-house legal departments, collaborations between legal service providers and law firms or legal departments, or new or innovative projects.
The blog post should be fully drafted and between 350-750 words.
For each profile, we are hoping to share the following:
- A bit of info about the lawyer or lawyers and how they came to do pro bono or a bit about the project/collaboration
- Some info about a key case or two that they worked on
- A few quotes from the profiled lawyer, especially about:
- Why they are drawn to pro bono work or that particular case or cases, and
- How pro bono helped enhance their practice, skill set, etc.
- Support they received from legal services organizations (e.g., cases are manageable with support)
Please provide a photo of the lawyer or lawyers that we’re profiling, ideally, a photo of the profilee(s) doing pro bono work. If you need assistance with this, let us know.
You are encouraged to include hyperlinks, as in the examples below.
Please be attentive to confidentiality issues. Even if names aren’t used, we should limit specifics that could be identifiers.
Please run the profile by the profiled attorney(s) in advance of submitting it and let them know they will be profiled by Washington Council of Lawyers during DC Pro Bono Week.
For each organization that submits the profile, please include any social media handles so we can tag you.
For your submission, please send the draft in MS Word format and attach the photo in as high a resolution as possible.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Here are some examples of past profiles to help you get started.
We are also preparing events for the annual National Celebration of Pro Bono takes place from October 20th to 26th, 2024!
Email Lindsay Ayers Lindsay.Ayers@us.dlapiper.com, Erin Mee ErinM@nvlsp.org, and Ashley Erickson aerickson@acslaw.org to request a calendar invitation
Join one of the most dedicated groups of people in the public interest community! It’s not only rewarding, but also a lot of fun. We’re seeking organizations to host virtual or in-person events during the last week of October. Event ideas include:
- Panels (virtual or in person)
- Trainings
- Clinics
- Open houses or tours
- And any other creative initiatives celebrating pro bono work!