DC Pro Bono Week 2022: Affiliated Trainings
In addition to the main DC Pro Bono Week events, a series of affiliated trainings will take place before, during, and after Pro Bono Week. The full list is below:
October 11
Mother’s Outreach Network Volunteer Orientation & Training
Tuesday, October 11
7:00 pm ET
Virtual Training sign up at https://tinyurl/ParentsTaxTraining.
October 14
Advocates for Justice and Education, Inc. Representing DC Students in School Discipline Matters
Friday, October 14
9:30 am-12:00 pm
Virtual Training
October 18
KIND DC Representing Children in Immigration Matters
Tuesday, October 18
2:00 pm ET
Zoom Link – Meeting ID: 882 1181 5496; Passcode: 158023
October 25
Tzedek DC Debt Collection Defense Training
Tuesday, October 25
3:30 – 5:00 pm
via Zoom and in person at the DC office of Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
October 26
12:00 – 1:45 pm
Hogan Lovells (555 13th Street, NW)
Lawyers, Legal Professional Staff, and Law Students are Welcome to Attend
October 27
Overview of ABA SEER Pro Bono Opportunities
Thursday, October 27
3:00 pm ET (2:00 pm CT)
October 31
Housing Right to Counsel Project Basic Housing Law Training for Pro Bono Attorneys
Part 1: Basic Landlord-Tenant Law
Monday, October 31
12:00-2:00 pm ET
November 2
Housing Right to Counsel Project Basic Housing Law Training for Pro Bono Attorneys
Part 2: Landlord-Tenant Court Process and Public & Subsidized Housing
Wednesday, November 2
12:00-2:00 pm ET
November 7
Housing Right to Counsel Project Basic Housing Law Training for Pro Bono Attorneys
Part 3: Working Up a Landlord-Tenant Case and Settling Landlord-Tenant Cases
Monday, November 7
12:00-2:00 pm ET
November 9
Housing Right to Counsel Project Basic Housing Law Training for Pro Bono Attorneys
Part 4: Overview of Rent-Controlled Housing; Cultural Competency in Eviction Defense; Client Counseling and Special Populations; and Virtual Hearings Guidance and Tips
Wednesday, November 9
12:00-2:00 pm ET
On-Demand Training
Children’s Law Center
Volunteer On-Demand Trainings