A Prescription for Healthy Food in Ward 8
WAMU recently reported on Produce Rx – a collaboration between DC Greens, Giant Foods, DC Health and AmeriHealth Caritas D.C. that offers healthy food options for Ward 8 residents. 500 residents will receive a $20 coupon every week or $40 every two weeks to purchase produce. The Alabama Avenue Giant– which is the only full-service grocery store in Ward 8 – will be the primary pharmacy and grocery store for Produce Rx participants.
Produce Rx was launched to help underserved communities fight illnesses related to poverty and food insecurity. According to a Virginia Commonwealth University study, people living in Ward 3 will outlive Ward 8 residents by 15 years, primarily due to diet-related illnesses.
Read the full WAMU article here, and learn more about DC Greens here.