2024 Justice Impact Awards Presidents Award: The Honorable Anna Blackburne-Rigsby
Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby joined the DC Court of Appeals in 2006 and has served as chief judge since 2017. Prior to her tenure at the DC Court of Appeals, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby served on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for more than ten years as an associate judge and magistrate judge. During her distinguished career, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby has been honored for her legal, judicial, and community service. Moreover, she has led the Courts’ access to justice and racial equity work, steadfastly supported pro bono volunteers, and spearheaded innovative improvements to court operations. Further, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby has been instrumental in the creation of the Court’s Access to Justice Unit. As the public-interest bar association of the District of Columbia, we are delighted to highlight this aspect of her work with the 2024 Justice Impact Awards Presidents Award.
From the beginning, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby’s service has been marked by her commitment to ensuring equal access to justice in the courts for everyone. She has ensured there has been comprehensive and responsive judicial training and support and has made it a priority to develop judicial leaders. Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby is a role model, mentor, and leader in paving the path for a more racially and ethnically diverse legal community. She leads by word and deed. Under her leadership, judges and court staff increasingly focused on the importance of cooperation and collegiality, which has led to innovative thinking and outside-the-box collaborations. Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby’s vision has been fundamental to the court system’s efforts in promoting equal access to justice.
COVID-19 presented unprecedented challenges to the administration of justice in the District. As Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby chairs the Joint Committee on Judicial Administration, the policy-making body for the Court of Appeals and the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Under her leadership, and in fulfilling her dual responsibilities as Chief Judge and Chair of the Joint Committee, the Courts pivoted to nearly 100 percent remote operations and revamped its website to provide up-to-date information to the public and vital information about Court operations. To ensure universal access, the Courts established remote sites in all four quadrants of the city for those appearing before the Courts who did not have at-home Wi-Fi, access to a computer or laptop, or who did not feel comfortable participating from home. The Courts leveraged technology and various virtual platforms to conduct meetings, hearings, and oral arguments remotely. As the Courts moved into post-COVID operations, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby’s forward-thinking ensured the Courts continued practices that secured better access to the Courts for all and a more equitable system for litigants.
Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby is a national leader in court access to justice initiatives. As one example, she recently served as president of the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and chair of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Board of Directors. Before that, she served on the Blueprint for Racial Justice steering committee and was co-chair of the CCJ Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) Public Engagement, Trust, and Confidence committee. “For years, Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby has played a key role in many of our national court initiatives. Her passion for the rule of law and equal access to justice is evident in her work – both on and off the bench,” said Mary C. McQueen, president of the National Center for State Courts. “Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby is a dynamic leader who finds innovative solutions for the challenges facing courts today.”
Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby brings her national experience and her local focus to bear for the betterment of our DC Courts and our community. She champions pro bono volunteers, working with her peers to ensure pro bono volunteers feel welcome at the Courts and are encouraged to volunteer again and again. Her innovations are indicative of her constant search for ways to improve the provision of justice. Her generosity with her time and talent ensures our Courts and community continue to learn and do better for litigants in the District.
Join us in honoring Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby for her significant innovations in access to justice, contributions to racial justice work, and championing of pro bono volunteers. We are humbled to honor Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby with our 2024 Justice Impact Awards Presidents Award.