DC Pro Bono Week 2018 Profiles: The Complete Set
During DC Pro Bono Week 2018 we profiled lawyers who made a profound difference in the lives of their pro bono clients despite heavy demands on their time:
1. Kids In Need of Defense (KIND)’s Andrea Mangones profiles Pepper Hamilton’s Brad Lennie, who regularly takes on some of KIND’s most difficult cases.
2. Legal Aid’s Jodi Feldman profiles Kirkland & Ellis’ Nick Barber, who, over the course of a year, helped a father regain the custody of his two young sons.
3. CAIR Coalition’s Michael Lukens profiles Arnold & Porter’s Nicholas Nyemah, Dominique Casimir, and Daniel Dovev, who recently won an asylum claim for an LGBT man from Swaziland who faced possible death in his home country.
4. D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center’s Connie Sinclair profiles Stinson Leonard Street’s Tracey Ohm, who regularly volunteers at the Center’s Advocacy & Justice Clinic.
5. Children’s Law Center’s Jennifer Masi profiles Akin Gump’s Amanda McGinn and Megan Greer, who helped a family reach the best possible custody agreement for two young children.
6. Fried Frank’s Karen Grisez and Legal Counsel for the Elderly’s Sheryl R. Miller profile Fried Frank’s Brendan McNamara, who has consistently and successfully advocated on behalf of elderly clients.
Check out these profiles, and then sign up to handle a pro bono case of your own!