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2019 Summer Forum: Photos

26 June 2019   Blog, Featured

Check out photos from the 2019 Summer Forum.

2019 Summer Forum Preview: Pro Bono to Aid People Who Experience Poverty

06 June 2019   Blog

Individuals living at or below the federal poverty level can
encounter all manner of legal issues and are least likely to be able to afford legal representation. Lawyers practicing in this area must have a wide array of tools in their kit and an ability to meet a variety of challenges. The Poverty Law panel will explore the myriad ways lawyers help low-income residents including court matters with issues of housing, family, and consumer law; transactional matters such as public benefits; and
policy work to ensure the defense and safeguarding of everyone’s rights regardless of position or power. #SumFo19

2019 Summer Forum Preview: Pro Bono Outside the Courtoom

06 June 2019   Blog, Featured

Pro bono work does not always involve litigation; in fact, among the most important contributions pro bono attorneys can make is to help individuals and organizations avoid the need to resort to judicial processes. Find out how at this panel. #SumFo19

2019 Summer Forum Preview: Ethics, Transparency & Accountability: Suing the Federal Government

29 May 2019   Blog, Featured | Tags: , , , , ,

The political climate has not cooled, so we’re bringing back the panel that addresses the cutting-edge issues of government ethics, transparency and accountability. The panel will touch on a lot of interesting issues and practical tips. It is not one you will want to miss! #SumFo19

D.C. Council Helps Low-Income Workers Keep More of Their Money

28 May 2019   Blog, Featured

Introduced by Council member Elissa Silverman, the Wage Garnishment Fairness Amendment Act of 2018 protects from garnishment weekly wages up to 40 times the District’s minimum wage (currently $13.25 per hour, and rising in July to $14 per hour). The law’s effective date is April 11, 2019, and its protections will likely begin to apply on October 1, when the District’s new fiscal year begins.

Safe Sisters Circle: A Welcoming Place

28 May 2019   Blog, East River of the River Profiles, Featured | Tags: , , , ,

“The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.” Those are the words of Malcolm X, spoken in 1962. And it is the sentiment that motivated Alana Brown to found The Safe Sisters Circle. Founded in 2018, The Safe Sisters Circle is an organization that provides support and healing to black women survivors of domestic and sexual abuse.

2019 Summer Forum Preview: Immigration and Human Rights

21 May 2019   Blog, Featured

Over the past few years, immigration has become one of the hottest pro bono and public-interest fields. At our 2019 Summer Forum, the Immigration and Human Rights panel will discuss the ways that immigrant-rights organizations are working to protect the rights of immigrants and promote access to justice both in the District and around the country. #SumFo19

2019 Summer Forum Preview: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Panel

14 May 2019   Blog, Featured

Being an attorney in the District gives you a myriad of opportunities to work on civil rights and civil liberties issues. DC or federal work, litigation or policy, career or pro bono. Come to the Summer Pro Bono & Public-Interest Forum’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties panel to learn how to defend these liberties. #SumFo19

2019 Summer Forum Preview: Criminal Justice and the Death Penalty

07 May 2019   Blog, Featured

During this summer’s annual Summer Pro Bono and Public Interest Forum, the Criminal Law and Death Penalty panel will introduce public-interest careers and pro bono opportunities in this often gut-wrenching field of law, as well as in criminal defense more broadly. #SumFo19

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