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2017 Law Firm Award: Mayer Brown

20 November 2017   Blog, Featured

Mayer Brown, winner of our 2017 Law Firm Award, is known for handling complex legal and business challenges for clients worldwide. It also, however, is deeply committed to pro bono and community service. Mayer Brown lawyers have devoted countless hours to helping those in need, including indigent clients here in DC. (more…)

2017 Above & Beyond Award: Jaya Saxena

16 November 2017   Blog, Featured

By Christina Jackson

Jaya Saxena joined our Board in 2014 and has been going gangbusters ever since. By day, she serves in dual capacities: Assistant Director of GW Law School’s Career Center and Director of the Dean’s Diversity and Inclusion Initiative. And as a member of our board, her ideas and energy have propelled us forward in several ways. So many ways, in fact, that we’re delighted to honor her with our 2017 Above & Beyond Award. (more…)

2017 Government Pro Bono Award: Deborah Birnbaum

13 November 2017   Blog, Featured

By Anne King

Deborah Birnbaum, winner of our 2017 Government Pro Bono Award, does it all. She practices at the Office of the Solicitor at the Department of Labor and serves as her office’s Pro Bono Program Coordinator. In the latter role, Deborah has developed a robust pro bono culture; her colleagues at the Solicitor’s Office are doing more pro bono than ever. Deborah is also a dedicated pro bono advocate in her own right, taking on a variety of cases for many different legal-services organizations. (more…)

2017 Legal Services Award: Tracy Goodman

07 November 2017   Blog, Featured

Tracy Goodman, Director of Children’s Law Center’s Healthy Together program, has pioneered the medical-legal partnership movement. She unites experts in law, health, and government to identify the key factors determining children’s health and well-being, and then structures legal services to address those needs and change children’s lives. Colleagues call her passionate, fiery, and dogged about improving long-term health outcomes for children and their families and in marshaling community resources to enact large-scale, systemic change. Tracy is a talented and creative lawyer and leader, and the winner of our 2017 Legal Services Award. (more…)

Our 2017 Award Recipients

31 October 2017   Blog, Featured

Our 2017 Awards Ceremony takes place on December 5, and this year we’ll honor the following extraordinary lawyers and firms: (more…)

DC Pro Bono Week 2017: Photos

30 October 2017   Blog, DC Pro Bono Week, Featured

Photos from the recently completed DC Pro Bono Week 2017. (more…)

Pro Bono Week Profiles: The Complete Set (2017)

29 October 2017   Blog, Featured

DC Pro Bono Week 2017 is in the books, but we hope that our complete set of Pro Bono Week profiles will inspire you to spent more time on pro bono cases and helping those in need. (more…)

$10 Million for East of the River Students to Attend College

17 October 2017   Blog, East River of the River Profiles, Featured

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $10 million grant for the D.C. College Access Program, a nonprofit that helps Ward 7 and Ward 8 students afford college.

For more than two decades, DC-CAP has helped District students attend college, providing financial assistance as well as counseling and advice to students and their families. The new grant will allow DC-CAP to partner with the College Success Foundation to expand their outreach to middle schools in Southeast and will help to provide up to $25,000 in scholarships for each eligible student. (more…)

Our New Board Members (2017)

09 October 2017   Blog, Featured

This year six fine lawyers are joining our Board of Directors:

Emily Batt is an associate in the Employment Law Department at Paul Hastings and also serves as the Pro Bono Coordinator for the firm’s DC office. Before moving to the District, Emily attended University of Virginia School of Law, worked with the Legal Aid Justice Center and Migrant Farmworker Project, and coordinated UVA’s Immigration Law Program. Emily and her fiancé Noah enjoy hiking and camping with their dog, Liam (recently featured on The Dogs of Public Interest Law). (more…)

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